Agenda SiNASP

Sistema de Notificación y Aprendizaje para la Seguridad del Paciente

Webinario: Introducing “WHO Patient safety incident reporting and learning systems. Technical report and guidance” 15:00 – 16:30 Central European Time (CET), Friday, 5 March 2021

A Decade of Patient Safety 2020-2030 is pleased to invite you to the first webinar of Global Patient Safety Webinar Series 2021 introducing the “WHO Patient Safety Incident Reporting and Learning Systems: Technical report and guidance” which was released on 17 September 2020, the World Patient Safety Day. WHO released three key documents on the incident reporting and learning systems –WHO draft guidelines for adverse event reporting and learning systems (2005), the Conceptual framework for the international classification for patient safety (2009), and the Minimum information model for patient safety (2016) - to support the design, implement, and manage the patient safety incident reporting and learning systems. The recent WHO publication, “Patient safety incident reporting and learning systems: technical report and guidance” is the comprehensive package to provide the technical guidance with a self-assessment tool. This guidance outlines strengths and current challenges in this system and the practical guidance to make this system more functionable under all resource settings. This webinar will present an overview of the technical guidance, and the country experiences on implementing and managing the patient safety incident reporting and learning systems. The Global Patient Safety Network Webinar Series 2021 aim at introducing ongoing activities of WHO Patient Safety Flagship, with the objective of sharing knowledge and experiences on important topics on patient safety. This webinar series is open to everyone who has interest in patient safety. Learning objectives of this webinar • Understand the benefit and challenges in implementing patient safety incident reporting and learning systems • Learn about the WHO technical report and guidance on patient safety incident reporting and learning systems • Consider how to set up patient safety incident reporting and learning systems